- Our Group Meetings on the 2025-1 semester: Scheduling of talks here. Modays, 2:00 pm, Room IP-305.
- Harold finished his second stay at Paris, in the group of Professor Andrés Santander-Syro (U. Paris-Saclay), where he had the chance to participate and measure his samples in two ARPES beamtimes.
- Luis Felipe Marino, a student of Physics Engineering at Tec de Monterrey, visited us from january to march.
- We started our year with the visit of Dr. José Baldoví, head of the 2D Smart Materials Lab, Instituto de Ciencia Molecular (ICMol), University of Valencia.
- Gabriel V., Cristian R., and Ramón T. defender their undergraduate thesis, presenting their great works in 2D TMDs.
- Paula, Diego, Ramón, Gabriel, and Cristian participated in the SLAFES XXV conference, at Universidad del Atlántico, Barranquilla, in october.
- Our Group Meetings on the 2024-2 semester: Modays, 2:00 pm, Room C-206.
- Gabriel V. did a summer internship at the group of Dr. Carolina Parra, at the NanoBio Lab of Universidad Federico Santa María, Chile. He learned a lot about scanning tunneling microscopy in quantum materials!
- Paula participated as invited speaker at the Conference on mathematical aspects of topological insulators, at IMSA, U. of Miami, in April, presenting our work on TaTe4.
- Out project on Quantum Metrology, with funds from the Sistema General de Regalias, in which we are part of the consortia led by UNAL, was officially opened! We had a great event with all participants of the project.
- Our Group Meetings on the 2024-1 semester: Thursdays, 3:30 pm, Room IP-305.
- Harold returned from Paris, after a month stay (dec-2023 - Jan-2024) in the group of Professor Andrés Santander-Syro (U. Paris-Saclay). Such a productive month for him, and our two groups!
- Juan Pablo Cruz and Julian Rojas defended their master thesis, with wonderful comments of their evaluators. Great job!
- Juan Pablo and Julian gave great presentations of their work at the 1st International Conference on BioNanoTechnology, in U. Central, Bogotá, Colombia, in October 2023.
- Diego, Harold, Gabriel V. and Luciano presented their work with a poster at the 1st International Conference on BioNanoTechnology, in U. Central, Bogotá, Colombia, in October 2023.
- Professor Andrés Santander-Syro (U. Paris-Saclay) visited our group and gave great talks at our internal group meeting, and the Condensed Matter Seminar of the Physics Department. Always, such a pleasure to have him around, to inspire our students.
- Our Group Meetings on the 2023-2 semester: Thursdays, 2 pm, Room IP-101.
- Paula attended and gave an invited talk at the 2D-TMD's 2023 conference at Cambridge, UK, in June 2023. Great panel of invited speakers, and wonderful interactions with the participants.
- Diego and Harold defended their Ph.D candidacy exam, and did a wonderful job! Great comments from the evaluators, and a promissing future ahead for their Ph.D. projects!
- Paula was invited to the WIPO-F4th in-person edition of the WIPO-UNESCO-KIPO Leadership Course on Intellectual Property, Science and Innovation for Women Scientists and Innovators, which took place in Geneva, from April 25 to 28, 2023. Very humbled by the success stories of women scientists/entrepreneurs, and happy to meet my fellow FWIS-IRT fellow colleagues!
- Our Group Meetings on the 2023-1 semester: Wednesdays 4 pm. Room IP-305.
- Duvan Martínez, Cristian Rey and Gabriel Villabón joined our group as undergraduate students... welcome!
- Our Group Meetings on the 2022-2 semester: Fridays 3 pm. Room IP-305.
- Professor Gregory Boebinger, Director of the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, USA, visited our university thanks to the support of the "Pensadores del Mundo" fund. Check out some photos here.
- Harold Rojas joined our group... welcome!
- Diego Silvera, Ph.D. Student, is visiting the Castellanos-Gómez Lab, at Instituto de Ciencia de los Materiales de Madrid, Spain. From May to August.
- We were finally able to go to the Magnet Lab to do experiments on the (Ta,Nb)Te4 series! We had a very productive time during the week of May 22nd. Check out some photos here.
- Project Accepted! Our project on Electronic properties modification of transition chemical dichalcogenides through chemical doping has been funded by FPIT - Banco de la Republica de Colombia.
- Juan Pablo Cruz and Julian Rojas joined our group as Master students. Welcome!
- Luciano Bastidas officially joined our team as undergraduate student. Welcome!
- Diego Silvera joined our group as a Ph.D student. Welcome!
- Our Group Meetings on the 2021-2 semester: Modays 3:15 pm. On zoom.
- Our Group Meetings on the 2021-1 semester: Thursdays 4 pm. On zoom.
- Paula participated in the Webinar: "Women's perspectives on quantum materials". Here is the link to the recorded session.
- Juan Felipe and Julian defended their undergraduate thesis in December. Very proud of them! Congrats!
- Felipe G. defended his undergraduate thesis in June. Great job! Congrats!
- Project Accepted! Our project "Optoelectronic devices based on doped transition metal chalcogenides", submmited to the i-COOP+ 2020 of CSIC, Spain, and in collaboration with Dr. Andrés Castellanos-Gómez, has been accepted!
- Our Group Meetings on the 2020-2 semester: Tuesdays 1 pm. On zoom.
- Project Accepted! Our Project "Thermoelectricity in low-dimensional compounds: relation between electronic and thermoelectric properties in the nanoscale" has been accepted by MinCiencias, Colombia. This project is a collaborative work with professor J. A Galvis (PI) and team in Universidad Central, and professor Camilo Espejo and team in Universidad del Norte.
- José Danilo defended his master thesis in December, and it went great! Congrats!
- Yvan, Diana and Santiago defended their undergraduate thesis in June, doing a great job! Congrats!
- Project Accepted! Our project "Optimization of electronic properties of quasi-1D transition metal chalcogenide materials" has been funded by the L'oreal-UNESCO For women in science - International Rising Talents program. Such an honor!
- Group Meetings of the 2020-1 semester: Wednesdays 8 am. Room IP-305. Scheduling of talks here.
- APS March Meeting 2020 - Denver, CO. March of 2020 (cancelled by the COVID-19 pandemia :( ).
- "Electronic phase diagram of Ta1-xMoxS2 and optimization of superconductivity in a charge density wave system". Oral presentation by José Danilo Salcedo. Session:
- "Electronic nematic softening in cuprate superconductors probed by resonant ultrasound spectroscopy". Invited Talk by Paula Giraldo-Gallo. Session U66: Anomalous Transport in Strange Metals.
- Visit of Andrés Castellanos-Gómez (CSIC, Spain) (March of 2020) to give the colloquium and visit our group!
- Visit of Eric Bousquet (U. of Liège) and Andrés Camilo Garcia (UIS) (February of 2020) to give the colloquium, condesed matter seminar, and visit our group!
- Project Accepted! Our project "High field study of quasi-1D transition metal chalcogenides and related charge-ordered compounds", submitted to the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, USA, was accepted! We can have access to the big magnets for the next 3 years!
- Festschrift Symposium: Convergent Phenomena at High Magnetic Fields, in Tallahassee, FL. January of 2020. In honor Greg Boebinger's 60th bitrhday!.
- "Electronic nematic softening in cuprate superconductors probed by resonant ultrasound spectroscopy measurements", Invited Talk
- Materials Research Society (MRS) Meeting, Boston, MA, USA. December of 2019.
- "Probing Broken Symmetries of Quantum Materials by Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy". Invited Talk to the symposium MQ3: “Predictive Synthesis and Advanced Characterization of Emerging Quantum Materials".
- Visit of Audrey Grockowiak (NHMFL, USA) (October of 2019) to give the colloquium, the Laura Bassi seminar, the condensed matter seminar, and visit our group!
- Congreso Internacional de Materiales (CIM 2019), Bucaramanga, Colombia. October of 2019.
- "Quantum Materials in extreme conditions". Plenary talk.
- Visit to Stanford University, July of 2019. To continue our collaboration with the group of professors Ian Fisher.
- APS March Meeting 2019 - Boston, MA. March of 2019.
- To receive the Lee Osheroff Richardson Science Prize for Noth and South America.